Distilled: Spring 2016


Bottled: September 2022

Floor 7: 0%
Floor 6: 0%
Floor 5: 28%
Floor 4: 0%
Floor 3: 0%
Floor 2: 0%
Floor 1: 72%

Kyle’s Notes:

This month we had several barrels of age from the fall 2016 distillation season, but we didn’t have enough ready to create a full blend from that season. We blended this batch from barrels distilled and filled in spring 2016. These barrels are still coming from the 1st and 5th floors of C Rickhouse.

This month I came up with a bunch of options, but I decided to ultimately flip the ratios from the first batch and chose 72% of the barrels from the 1st floor and 28% from the 5th floor. We went heavy on the first to let everyone see the differences on how the taste profile shifts depending on where these barrels have aged in the rickhouse.

The 1st floor has always been the floor we were slightly concerned about, but now that we are tasting the bourbon of age that is coming out of those barrels, our concerns aren’t as high.

In the end, I had three different variations to choose from when narrowing down the final blend, and this one really stuck out to me as the clear winner. The subtle differences you can taste in this one is a progression of how it has shifted from a barrel influence to a spirit influence. The top portion of a rickhouse is hotter and will extract more from the barrel, as well as concentrate that additional flavor down via the angel’s share loss.  By using more of those first floor barrels we created a flavor profile that is focused more on the spirit instead of the barrel characteristics. This is part of why we are doing blends the way we are, to keep the taste consistently authentic, but interesting.

I have included a geeky chart below to show the breakdown for anyone who is interested in seeing the number comparisons.  The numbers we talk about and list on the label are based on the percent of barrels per floor.  However, we weigh each barrel before we dump it to know our yields per floor as well.  If you compare the two floors we have used so far, the fifth floor loses more weight over time than the first floor.  That is another item we are tracking internally and are interested to see how this compares across all 7 floors of the rickhouse.

Ultimately, the taste drives the amount of barrels we pull.  Moving forward, we will have a lot more barrels of age to choose from on different floors. These blends have been fun to work with so far, and I look forward to working with the barrels from the fall 2016 season very soon.


% by barrel

% by weight


1st floor

5th floor

1st floor

5th floor
















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